Apparently Facebook is adding more than 40 new security features according to.techblorge.

This seems interesting, but is it really going to prevent things from happening. I mean this is the internet that we are talking about isn’t it. No one is ever safe. Facebook will obviously never be 100% safe nor will any other website in the world.

Although i do appreciate Facebooks effort to limit pedifiles from getting close to children.


Most of you have probably heard all of the news with the Miley Cyrus pictures. In fact i was on the homepage of Youtube today, and that Rss Video feed you see on the opening page. It was showing a video being watched about Miley Cyrus every single Scroll.

So this brings me to my point. How much has technology effected the way we think of superstars now days. How much does this effect our children? Is there a proper way to use the internet?

The common user of the Internet especially small children have no idea that whats on the Internet stays on the Internet. Even if you try to delete it, there is still someway to get it. This has become growing problems with Youtube, Facebook, and a whole bunch of other social networking sites.

Another question would be whether Miley made a mistake with these pictures, or whether she did it intentionally to get attention (which she most definatly got). Some celebrities are using the internet to their advantage and posting stuff on it. Stratigically speaking, although it may not be the good type, it still is attention.

I know this is a little bit confusing, but i thought that i would just post my thoughts for the day.

Bradley Bradwell

Email Me

More and more now people are becoming the victims of identity theft. The problem is that a great amount of it is from the Internet. Today i have come up with a few tips to keep your passwords safe and prevent hackers from getting them.

1- Don’t use just one password. To many people now days are just using one password. Try making multiple passwords. Another good idea is to keep passwords that are related with the real world like banking, social security etc in the real world, and keep the passwords that you use on line (Youtube, Facebook etc) separate from them. Having them all the same password will increase the chance of being robbed. Think of it this way: If someone gets one of your passwords, and thats the password you used for every single account on line, most likely you now have no access to any of those accounts.

2- Don’t share your passwords. This should be pretty obvious. This usually happens with teenagers and sometimes leads to bullying. Kids will all give each other everyones password putting their full trust in each other. Then one person changes the password, then guess what: The person you gave your password to has control over your stuff, and you have no control what so ever. Even if you trust the person, keep the passwords to yourself. Why would you want anyone else to know them anyway?

3-Make sure that you know all of your passwords- Make sure you use passwords that are good, but make sure you know them because it is not necessarily a good idea to write or type them. If someone gets a hold of these passwords when your not looking weather on paper or on your computer it could be devastating. If you have to type them due to long term memory problems try and set a master password(Sort of like a password for passwords). Some Internet browsers have this feature for example. Having a master password just creates another wall that someone has to get through to get your passwords.

There are plenty other things you can do to protect yourself, but most of it is just common sense. Keep private information private, and don’t share your personal information with others, even if it’s your best friend in the world.



