Apparently Facebook is adding more than 40 new security features according to.techblorge.

This seems interesting, but is it really going to prevent things from happening. I mean this is the internet that we are talking about isn’t it. No one is ever safe. Facebook will obviously never be 100% safe nor will any other website in the world.

Although i do appreciate Facebooks effort to limit pedifiles from getting close to children.


More and more now people are becoming the victims of identity theft. The problem is that a great amount of it is from the Internet. Today i have come up with a few tips to keep your passwords safe and prevent hackers from getting them.

1- Don’t use just one password. To many people now days are just using one password. Try making multiple passwords. Another good idea is to keep passwords that are related with the real world like banking, social security etc in the real world, and keep the passwords that you use on line (Youtube, Facebook etc) separate from them. Having them all the same password will increase the chance of being robbed. Think of it this way: If someone gets one of your passwords, and thats the password you used for every single account on line, most likely you now have no access to any of those accounts.

2- Don’t share your passwords. This should be pretty obvious. This usually happens with teenagers and sometimes leads to bullying. Kids will all give each other everyones password putting their full trust in each other. Then one person changes the password, then guess what: The person you gave your password to has control over your stuff, and you have no control what so ever. Even if you trust the person, keep the passwords to yourself. Why would you want anyone else to know them anyway?

3-Make sure that you know all of your passwords- Make sure you use passwords that are good, but make sure you know them because it is not necessarily a good idea to write or type them. If someone gets a hold of these passwords when your not looking weather on paper or on your computer it could be devastating. If you have to type them due to long term memory problems try and set a master password(Sort of like a password for passwords). Some Internet browsers have this feature for example. Having a master password just creates another wall that someone has to get through to get your passwords.

There are plenty other things you can do to protect yourself, but most of it is just common sense. Keep private information private, and don’t share your personal information with others, even if it’s your best friend in the world.





So you have just made a website………………. Now what do you do? Most people create a website expecting it to just take off, and be one of the most popular sites on the internet like Youtube, Google, or Facebook. Well right now you are probably being laughed at. Oh wait there is no one to laugh at you.

Have no fear though. I have come up with some quick and easy solutions to help you market your website.

1- Use the power of Youtube. Create a promotional video and upload it to Youtube. You wouldn’t believe how many hits some websites get by putting it on the massive site. If you do choose to put it on Youtube, try and add a link to your website on the main screen. An example of this would be my website As you can see i have a title bar at the bottom of my screen, and on the bottom left corner there is my website. Although this is not a link, it is still noticeable to the public. You can get hundreds of hits just by using Youtube, so i defanatly recommend using it.

2-Comment in Blogs! You wouldn’t believe this but commenting in blogs gives you that presence in online communities. People will look to you to answer questions that they think you have knowledge of. Now this doesn’t mean put a comment in any blog. Strategically place them in blogs related to your website and your expertise. Also go onto many blogs, and not just one. This will give you a wider presence throughout the internet, and cause your name to become more familiar in your users heads.

3- Give out contact information. Make sure that on your website you have an about/contact page for your users to be able to contact you. Without a about/contact area your website will look more spammy than professional looking. Without it you will cause your users to feel hopeless, and that they are not an important part of your community. If you have a contact page and receive emails from your users, REPLY!!!!!!
Nothing feels worse for your user then feeling like their question isn’t important. If you don’t reply there is also a very high possibility that you have lost your costumer.

4- Be quick- This is very important to keeping users addicted to your site. Apply fresh new content at least 3 times a week. If your site isn’t updated frequently is becomes boring and unattractive. This doesn’t mean redo your whole site 3 times a week. It means add new things, write something new, or just do something that isn’t old. When i say to be quick, i also mean “be first”. Try your best to make sure you have newly released information first, so that search engines will quickly find the information, and direct it to your site. One of the worst things for a user is seeing the same story come up from website after website after website. They like to see something new, and creative.

Thought i would just write that quick little post today.

Hope you enjoyed.


There have been more and more reports coming it recently that suggest that the end of the Internet if we don’t try to improve our technology, or if we slow our use down on the Internet. Bandwidth is being pushed to the max, and now with high definition videos coming out on Youtube, the question is, if there will be any of it left for anyone else.

It is estimated that the bandwidth used by youtube in 2007, was more than the entire bandwidth of everyone(in Canada) in 2001. What does that tell you? Now that Youtube is adding high definition. Could Youtube alone cause the end of the internet? With teenagers eating up bandwidth on Youtube, Facebook, Instant Messengers, and other social networking programs, teenagers eat up a huge chunk of bandwith.

Lets also take into consideration what would happen without the Internet. In my opinion the world will virtually stop. People have relied on the Internet for communication including email, online voice communication, and television. Yes we are all addicted. I myself have noticed extreme boredom upon myself without the Internet. A great portion of families have said that there likely isn’t one time of the day at least someone isn’t on the Internet.

In most cases, scientific studies are incorrect, but in my opinion the end of the Internet does seem possible. I myself know that i will not stop using it, so i am depending on the improvement of technology to save it.


Bradley Bradwell

note: Study of Youtube usage is an estimate, and not an official pole, or scientific study.

These are the top 5 websites that i personally have used the most of 2007, and i am assuming most of you have used. These are in no particular order.

1-Facebook- Obviously this website has been the most popular and powerful social network this year. Good things, and also bad things have come out of this website. Facebook has virtually connected the world. It has brought families, old friends, extended reliatives, and even people that you have only met once together. On the other hand, Facebook has become somewhat of a hub for minor bullying, or what we call today Cyber Bullying. Facebook does though, have very good security to keep people safe. They block unwanted visitors to your Facebook, and prevent to the best of their ability spam. Facebook has become a billion dollar business from a project. Facebook is definitely one of the best and safest social networks out there.

2- Gmail- Gmail has become in my opinion, the best email host in the world. Although Hotmail is still extremely popular, or more well known than Gmail. Gmail has become a very well respected and safe email system. They are in my opinion the best spam organizer there is. I have never had one spam message in my personal inbox. Not saying there isn’t spam, I have seen 300 messages in my spam folder in less than 3 days. Gmail has a great simple platform, and is very easy to use. Gmail is definitely going to keep growing and probably become one of the most popular email system in the world.

3-Ebay- I don’t use Ebay much, but i have definitely hear of it in today’s world. Ebay is known to be fairly safe, but still has some minor problems like fraud, spam, etc. Ebay is a great way to find deals, and great prices on new or used materials.  With a great auctioning platform, they have taken partial control of the retailing world. Ebay, in my opinion is almost at it’s peek, and will need some minor fixations in the next few years.

4-Youtube- What can i say about Youtube. This is the quite possibly the biggest media outlet on the Internet. This website has made people famous, and in some ways infamous. New stars have come out of this website, and new problems have come out of this website. There has been bullying coming out of this site, and new ideas coming out. Youtube I think is going to stay popular as long as the people keep using it. I definitely recommend Youtube as great entertainment.

5- Number five can be tied in many ways. These include photo-sharing sites, ad sites, and social networking sites. It is hard to distinguish because of the popularity of many sites. I personally think that there are hundreds of sites that could fit in this category, but i am going to leave this decision up to you.

 Anyway if you have a favourite website that you think should have been on this list, don’t be afraid to email me, my contact info ect is below. I also have a website of plenty of money making solutions below.

Thanks, talk to you later.