Ventrilo is basically voice communication software that people use around their homes, for gaming, businesses, and much more. It is used by famous people in the technology industry such as Chris Pirillo.

To download ventrilo you need to go to to get the software. Now on with the review of this magnificant product.

The download of the Server for Ventrilo is fairly simple, and easy. The hard part is configuring it. I don’t recommend going on configuring it yourself. I recommend going to Youtube and find some how-to videos on the configuration of the server. They have some great videos on the step by step instructions on the setup of the Ventrilo Server.

Now the Client. The Client is very easy to configure. All you need to do is get the IP address of the Host Server and put it in the spot where it tells you. Then you simply press connect. If you are a newbie i don’t suggest making your own server, but using someone else’s.

Overall Ventrilo supplies clear and crisp sound, and the delay is surprisingly better than i expected. Our calculation of the delay in the household was a little under half a second. When we tried to contact someone across in the Netherlands we had a delay of about two to 3 seconds.

Here are some Ventrilo speakers that i have used and appreciated the most.

-Voice Communication

-Instant Messaging

-Hot Key(press to talk)

– Easy to set up Client Software

-“Fast Server Set Up”

– A great Comunity

A rating for the ease of use of this product would be a 4 out of 5 star rating.

Thanks Bradley Bradwell

Well there is a new radio station in town. Ok maybe not in town, but within the whole world. It’s called KBC Radio. With Shows on Channel 12902 on Ubroadcast, KBC has new shows including Tech2do live, The Chris Pirillo Show, and KBC News.

Here is a bit more about KBC:

The Kanwell Broadcasting Corporation(KBC) First started in 2004, as a radio station on ubroadcast. Yes it was indeed us at the dial of 632. It was a sports radio station, that caught very few peoples eyes. With only two shows every week, it was not grabbing the attention KBC was hoping for.
In late 2006, KBC Radio shut down due to the insufficient work of the station. The Owner Bradley Bradwell was also going through personal difficulties including the death of several family members.
In January 2008, there was a rebirth. Bradley Bradwell was ready to go, but this time he was going to reshape the whole station and get the most qualified speakers on his station. This includes Chris Pirillo, and Brad Roberts. Yes KBC was now a station with the best speakers of news, technology, sports, entertainment, and much more. We are dedicated to bringing you the latest in these subjects. With a new list of shows including the KBC hourly news, KBC is as big as it has ever been.

If you would like more information on The New KBC radio go to Their Website, and learn more about their shows.

KBC also has fee advertising. If you are interested in Advertising on KBC radio email me at

KBC is also looking for Talk Shows, so if you are interesting in having your own show, email the address above. There are only a few spots left.

Anyway, Hope you enjoy the new Station in town.

According toCBC, the Iphone will be coming to Canada later within the year. This is the second time that i have heard of this. They reported that Rogers said Tuesday that it has reached an agreement with Apple to bring the world famous phone to Canada.

Cbc says that the company declined to give pricing information, infact both Rogers and Apple have kept the business very quiet.
Not to say that the Iphone isn’t already in Canada. There are thousands of people that have made the trip to the states and unlocked the phone to work with Rogers. Apple also plans to sell 10 million Iphones by the end of this year alone. An estimated 5 million Iphones have already been sold.

Bradley Bradwell


I have been searching and searching the net and still there is no 100% positive sign that the Iphone is indeed coming to Canada? I personally am getting a little impatient now that i am looking for a new phone. It also bothers me that no wireless company or Apple has really came out and gave any announcements to when the Iphone is coming out, or weather it is coming out or not. I have seen small articles all over the net as to assumption on when there might possibly be a release date, but i still have not found any solid information.

I know there is an ability to unlock the Iphone in Canada, but that really is so much work to order it from the united states, get it shipped up here to Canada, and then have to figure out how to unlock the darn thing. I know of only one person in my area of the world who has unlocked the phone, and still aren’t getting the best service out of it.

If anyone knows any information on when the Iphone will be released, please email me at, or leave a comment below. I would really like to hear some solid information as to when this “amazing device” is supposed to be released.


Bradley Bradwell

Product Equalisation

March 15, 2008

Well of course most users of this site are American , and probably won’t appreciate this as much as other foreign users of this site. But i would like to bring up a new subject on why products usually start in America and make their way to other countries like Canada. Which by coincidence is where i am from.

     I am going to use the Iphone as an example. I was up here in the North just dreaming of this new piece of technology. Yes watching the buzz on this product on the news, while people in the united states were going ballistic over this communications device. In fact they haven’t exactly announced the release here in Canada. There has been speculation, and minor reports etc…. Why can’t these companies at least attempt to release their products equally with time, volume, and price. Why can’t these companies make an extra effort to keep their products in sync in different countries.

 I definitely hope the iphone will soon be released in Canada.
