Ventrilo is basically voice communication software that people use around their homes, for gaming, businesses, and much more. It is used by famous people in the technology industry such as Chris Pirillo.

To download ventrilo you need to go to to get the software. Now on with the review of this magnificant product.

The download of the Server for Ventrilo is fairly simple, and easy. The hard part is configuring it. I don’t recommend going on configuring it yourself. I recommend going to Youtube and find some how-to videos on the configuration of the server. They have some great videos on the step by step instructions on the setup of the Ventrilo Server.

Now the Client. The Client is very easy to configure. All you need to do is get the IP address of the Host Server and put it in the spot where it tells you. Then you simply press connect. If you are a newbie i don’t suggest making your own server, but using someone else’s.

Overall Ventrilo supplies clear and crisp sound, and the delay is surprisingly better than i expected. Our calculation of the delay in the household was a little under half a second. When we tried to contact someone across in the Netherlands we had a delay of about two to 3 seconds.

Here are some Ventrilo speakers that i have used and appreciated the most.

-Voice Communication

-Instant Messaging

-Hot Key(press to talk)

– Easy to set up Client Software

-“Fast Server Set Up”

– A great Comunity

A rating for the ease of use of this product would be a 4 out of 5 star rating.

Thanks Bradley Bradwell